Heaven on Earth Wellness Clinic
Meditation Teacher
Considering to book a consultation? Read up...

Do you suffer from any of the following condition:
-Unexplainable fears
-Panic attack
-Thyroid disease
-Mental health problems
-Weight problem
-Eating disorders?
....and so many more but the list above includes the most common conditions that 1 on 2 people (I would even say 1 on 1 person) suffers from.
We accept that being sick or unwell it's ok, well no, it's not ok!!
As Healer & Medical Intuitive I talk to bodies every day and what is normal is actually experiencing good level of energy, restful sleep at night and balanced emotions and peaceful thought!
I have been a Body talk therapist for more then 10 years with more then 25 years of experience in my own personal experience.
Once you understand how to interpret the message that your body gives you through illnesses your life will be fully transformed.
During this consultation the Magic begins ..... and healing happens!
I mastered my own unique consultation by learning how to interpret our body and its way of talking to us with patience, stillness and curiosity.
My ability to use energy is profound, unique and incomparable.
I use a combination of few amazing modalities like counselling, energy& essential oils vibrational healing, sound therapy, and healing meditation to create coherence inside the body, mind and heart to a depth that only few are capable to deliver.
What makes my consultations different is that everything I share, teache and facilitate during the session has been experienced at first hand, read my bio in About Sonia page and you will discover what makes my work so unique.
I started a deep journey of self-healing more then 20 years ago which transformed my life, body and mind completely.... now is your turn!!
If you are suffering from a physical or mental health condition/pains, and/or struggling with personal relationships, unable to speak your truth, feeling like you are picking up every body emotions which may leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused on who you are in truth or just feel like you need some guidance in your life, a one-on-one consultation can help you transition into a happier, healthier, and more emotionally stable version of yourself.
As a Medical Intuitive, Wholistic Counsellor and Metaphysical Healer I facilitate the reconnection between the no-physical quantum reality and the physical self.
This no-physical reality (which for many is known as angels, spirits, guidance, God, Universe, Higher Self) is constantly around us waiting to be invited to intervene on helping us on our path.
I use channelled messages and visions from Higher Intelligence that many call Guidance to discover information about your childhood trauma, past generations negative patterns, and past lives karma that are impacting on your current wellbeing and life, once understood those negative filters can be cleared leaving you more clear on who you are and where you are going with your life.
READY TO BOOK? Here a bit more for you to read....
I specialise in teaching self-healing for:
Physical health conditions
Mental health issues
Relationship problems
I can help you to achieve and maintain:
Clarity in your career and discover your true life path
Build better relationships with your children and loved ones becoming a more present parent
Develop a closer and more loving relationship with your romantic partner
Heal niggling health problems and improve chronic conditions
Feel more positive, alive, and full of energy.
At the start of each session, will conduct a full consultation to determine exactly what type of issues you are facing and what you hope to gain during your session.
I will then conduct an energy clearing and healing session, guided by the Divine Intelligence which is present within your cells, to remove blocks and trigger a transformation on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Clearing energy blocks stimulates the body and mind’s natural healing processes and enables you to raise your vibrational energy allowing you to experience life from a very different perspective, enabling you to see solutions that you were unable to perceive before the session.
If you’ve never experienced an energy healing session before, be prepared for a totally unique and magical experience.
Clients usually leave their session feeling lighter, relaxed, and buzzing with natural energy.
Energy healing is a complementary therapy that can be used alongside conventional medical treatments and other forms of therapy.
To find out more and book your session, get in touch today.
Sonia's fees:
1 hour session $140
1.5 hours session $180
2 hours session $250